Happy spring (we hope)!!
We’re finding it hard to believe that it’s already the middle of April…..which means that our 2018 season is coming up SOON!! The first batch of employees will be moving up to the ranch in just over a month and then we will welcome new and returning employees throughout the rest of the month! Hard to believe that it’s coming so soon!
So what’s been going on in 7D world?
Byron and Jesse are working away up at the ranch on the Waldorf addition (coming along very nicely!!) and redoing the inside of the cabin. They should be done with that project in the next few weeks! Additionally, they have been working on a lot of improvements on some of our staff sheepwagons (and they’re looking great!).
We got an adorable bunch of baby chicks just about a month ago that we’re excited about! They have all been growing like WEEDS but see happy, healthy and noisy…..they’ve been a very fun addition to the ranch animal bunch and we’re looking forward to adding them into the group of our other ladies this summer!! Mattie cat has been fiercely guarding the chicks as we often find her laying on top of their enclosure….We also recently got 5 other white chickens that have been laying eggs like crazy! We’re up to at least a dozen eggs a day which is keeping our refrigerators very full!
Our horses here in town are doing well – we’re sure that they’re excited that the snow has finally melted off and they can get down to eat more easily! We got a huge snowstorm last week (hopefully the last!) but we’re happy to say that everything has melted off – hooray hooray!
Lastly, we are excited to announce that we will be offering YOGA (with a certified instructor) this summer at the 7D! We’re still working out the timing and details but we’re fairly certain that we’ll be offering one class a week and then there might be opportunities for privates or more classes should there be interest! Grit and Sammie are certainly excited to show off their yoga skills (see below).
That’s all for now – we can’t wait to see everyone soon!
Happy to hear about yoga, very good stretching for horse riding. Once a week will be nice but 2 or 3 times would be great if enough interested!